PIM is a group of technicians who provide quality control and safety services related to the construction and maintenance of various plants.
In the course of our business, our clients and other stakeholders sometimes disclose or entrust to us their personal information. Managing this personal information appropriately is critical and is the very foundation of the relationship of trust the Company enjoys with its stakeholders.
Recognizing this, we are fully committed to protecting personal information under the following policy and we constantly seek to refine the systems we have established for this purpose.
If you have any questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact PIM Corporation General Affairs Dept. as follows:
TEL:+81-47-498-9972 FAX:+81-47-498-9987
Administration Headquarters
Lalaport Mitsui Building 14F, 2-1-1, Hamacho, Funabashi-shi, Chiba, 273-0012, Japan